
Eva O’Dwyer – A Covid Summer report

By October 22, 2020 No Comments

As part of our series of reports from our sponsored young people during the continued COVID-19 period, Maria – mother of Eva O’Dwyer our karate student – lets us know how the pandemic has altered her plans for the year and how they have adjusted to the restrictions:

I hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely weather.

I thought I’d send a quick message to let you know most of lock down Eva was attending 4-5 zooms karate sessions a week. She can now train back in the dojo in small groups and she attends 3/4 times a week.

For now there won’t be any competitions but she continues to train hard in the squad and traditional sessions. She received her brown belt one black strip last week! She was very happy!

So far we haven’t had too much school work, now she is at secondary but I’m sure this will increase. However we will manage it I’m sure.