
Lucy Atkins – A Covid Summer report

By October 20, 2020 No Comments

As part of our series of reports from our sponsored young people during the continued COVID-19 period, Lucy – our budding sprinter – lets us know how the pandemic has altered her plans for the year and how she has adjusted to the restrictions:

Hi, I thought I would let you know how I have been getting on during lockdown. It has been very strange and I have found it quite difficult to do my training but have tried my best to find a way.
Initially, I did a Joe Wicks workout each morning, followed by a long bike ride and some circuits or weights. As I am a sprinter I need a long straight stretch of flat ground to practice on and so I often resorted to running down a long path late in the evening or early morning to avoid bumping into anyone. Each week I did some shorter sprints at the back of the field, near where I live, and also did a 2 mile run to improve my stamina.
The hardest thing I have found has been motivating myself as I love training with my group at Kingston. Over the last few weeks I have managed to meet a few of my friends in a local park to train at a social distance and I am now waiting eagerly for the track to open again so hopefully my running routine can resume. I had not realised how much I would miss everyone as I find training with other people so much easier and more fun.
Although I am sad to have missed all of the competitions this summer, I hope to work towards getting in great shape for the winter and look forward to competing in a new age category next year.