
Finn Morris at the British & Irish Nationals

By September 11, 2018 No Comments

Last week I sailed in the Volvo Gill British National and Open Championships in Pwllheli in North Wales I had a good week and ended up 2nd in the British Nationals and 8th overall in the open event. It was a little annoying to be a point off being 1st Brit! I had a fun time in some difficult conditions and my good friend and training partner came 1st British boat. Thank you to the Dylan Howells Foundation for your excellent continued support which allowed me to travel to and enter the event.

This week I have sailed in the Irish Optimist National and Open Championships in Kinsale Co. Cork. It was a challenging event in difficult conditions. The waves were massive, when I say massive I mean the height of a bungalow. I sailed well and finished 4th overall. I was representing Britain as a member of the 12 strong British team. I received excellent coaching from the National coach as a result of my previous good results and the funding of the DHF. There were sailors representing 7 different countries at the event. I feel extremely proud and lucky to be given these opportunities and am looking forward to my next event which is the late summer Championships in Poole. This is a qualifying event for the National squads which I am hoping to be selected for. I will keep you posted!

Great job, Finn!!