
Finn Morris – latest update

By February 12, 2019 No Comments

Finn Morris, our DHF-supported junior sailor, has given us an update on his recent activities:

Even though there haven’t been many events recently I have had a very busy time since I last wrote. In November I was surprised and delighted to be awarded Elmbridge Junior Sports Personality of the Year 2018. I received my award at a ceremony with Chemy Alcott speaking. I have also reached my winter goal and qualified for the UK Optimist National Squad. This squad is made up of the top 20 sailors under 16 in the country. I get to train 6 weekends with the National Coach. This weekend we are training in Wales! I have also continued to train at Datchet Water Sailing Club with a small group and my usual coach. The biggest surprise was being selected to join “team Winner”, an amazing achievement that I am particularly proud of. Winner, who makes the Optimist dinghy that I sail, kindly give 2 or 3 people in each country a special new personalised boat at a large discount every year.

I would like to say thank you to everyone at the Dylan Howells Foundation for there continued generosity and support and anyone who has helped or donated to this excellent charity. Without this support I would certainly not be able to take part in all the training and offers I have received.

I can’t wait for the 2019 season to begin! My next event is the Garda Easter Regatta, an amazing event where over 1000 sailors compete. I will be representing the UK as part of the National Squad Team. I look forward to posting my next blog and letting you know how I get on.


Fantastic achievements, Finn! Good luck in 2019 – All at DHF.

Here’s Finn receiving his Elmbridge Junior Sports Personality of the Year award from Chemy Alcott